
Ascensión Salas, Activación del ADN, y la actualización de la Ascensión
El ADN contiene las instrucciones necesarias para un organismo vivo para crecer y funcionar.Se dice a las células exactamente cuál es el papel que deben desempeñar en el cuerpo.Lleva a cabo las instrucciones para hacer que sus células del corazón golpearon, sus extremidades se forman en el lugar correcto, el sistema inmunológico a combatir la infección, y su sistema digestivo a digerir su cena.ADN lleva sus instrucciones en un código a partir de una de cuatro letras del alfabeto: G, A, T y C.La secuencia de estas letras se conoce como el código genético.Una molécula de ADN se asemeja a una escalera de caracol. Cada peldaño de la escalera se compone de dos letras de ADN. A siempre se une a T y G siempre se une a C.La unión de las letras hace que la molécula entera a la bobina en una estructura escalera de caracol, llamado una doble hélice.
El proceso de ascensiónEl proceso de retorno a doce hebras de ADN en nuestra forma humana actual se conoce como Ascensión.Ascensión es el proceso por el que la realización es 21/12/2012 actualización ADN elevados en vibración un poco a la vez, hasta que está vibrando a la resonancia del amor incondicional. Durante este proceso, a un nivel etherical, diez hebras adicionales de ADN están conectadas dentro de los circuitos del cuerpo y el cerebro. Como la forma de realización eleva en vibración, y que está conectado el nuevo ADN, patrones y creencias basadas en el miedo se lanzan al mismo tiempo y hacer espacio para la experiencia de más alegría, la creatividad y la autoexpresión.Diez hebras se Inter dimensionalEn 4D [dimensionalidad humana], tiene dos cadenas de ADN [bucles o toroides]. Los que le diría que tiene 12 que están dando una descripción 4D de un rompecabezas multidimensional. Hay realmente sólo dos hebras biológicos o físicos. Todo el resto, los diez que no se mencionan y no se describe y no es visible en 4D, están en capas dentro de los dos se puede ver. No son cordones o lazos o toroides adicionales. Ponen a los biológicos, muchos de ellos biológicamente interconexión con las hebras que son capaces de ver. Así que, en realidad hay dos hebras con otros diez aspectos interdimensionales sobre ellos. Así es como se llega a la 12. Diez no puede ver, y dos se puede.Al abrazar la primera serie de doce hebras de ADN, uno es considerado "Crística". Muchos metafísicos han hablado del retorno del "Cristo". El regreso de "Cristo" es y será en forma de muchos que encarnan la nueva genética. El individuo que ha encarnado doce hebras de ADN o se ha convertido en "Cristos" va más allá de la limitación dentro de la forma humana. En ir más allá de la limitación, el individuo también se mueve por miedo.Como toda la humanidad encarna la nueva genética, la civilización reestructurará gradualmente a basarse en el amor incondicional.La unión de los hemisferios del cerebroUsted está en el proceso de reunificación de los hemisferios derecho e izquierdo del cerebro (que es la forma en que fue diseñado para ser). Una vez logrado esto, las cosas maravillosas comienzan a suceder: su creatividad florece junto con la agilidad mental y los medios para manifestar sus visiones creativas. Se accede a los niveles del cerebro que resuenan con las frecuencias de las dimensiones superiores, y permite aprovechar los paquetes de Luz de sabiduría y de información cósmica que se almacenan allí. Las glándulas maestras dentro del cerebro se activan y se vuelven a conectar con los aspectos de sí mismos que han permanecido
latentes durante miles de años.Cámaras de ascensiónDentro de las pirámides del antiguo Egipto, los iniciados se elevaron gradualmente en vibración un poco a la vez durante un período de tiempo de muchos años. Esto dio lugar a la reestructuración celular de sus cuerpos a lo que se llama "cristalino" en la forma. El objetivo final de las iniciaciones en Egipto era para los iniciados para trascender la experiencia de la muerte y toman su realización a la siguiente dimensión. Con el fin de lograr esto, la reestructuración celular a la forma "cristalino" era una necesidad.Las pirámides solamente fueron requeridos por los que tienen una vibración más baja (la parte consciente humanoide plateauform Giza) y por lo tanto se consideraron necesarias para apoyar la ascensión de esta manera.Cada cámara dentro de la pirámide utiliza una variedad de dispositivos para mantener una vibración específica necesaria para subir a una forma de 5.024 a 45.000 filamentos de ADN. Iniciados entró en la pirámide para variar los marcos de tiempo y aprendió a sostener las vibraciones dentro de las cámaras de su propia voluntad.ADN como un medio de comunicaciónCodificaciones están contenidos en la composición celular-genética. sistema de chakras serían algo así como transformadores de potencia, resistencias y condensadores. Cada célula tiene una conciencia, de modo que cuando la personalidad del ser humano se estanca y es incapaz de avanzar, la conciencia de la "alta auto" puede mover una palanca que da un mensaje a las estructuras celulares que dice: "Necesitamos crear algún tipo de situación con el fin de impulsar a la personalidad y llevarlos de vuelta a la pista ".Ciertos modelos de ADN de posibilidades se envían a la alta auto. Es posible que sea algún tipo de accidente o enfermedad, o información tal vez esclarecedor de un amigo, y el ser superior ofrecerá entonces estos planos para el alma, que luego decir: "Esto es lo que tenemos que hacer", y posteriormente lanza un interruptor que traerá ciertas situaciones en la manifestación. Y esta es la razón por la que hemos dicho que el ADN y el ARN son los sistemas de comunicación. Sería como si el ADN es el enlace a una alta auto y el alma y el ARN sería la respuesta del alma en cierto sentido.Luz (información) se expresa por medio de lo que llamamos conciencia, y la conciencia de que está codificada en el ADN. Las polaridades +/- a la luz son comparables a la ADN-ARN, lo que podría describirse como las polaridades de la conciencia humana. Esta es también la razón por la que la conciencia humana va de claro a oscuro.Los nuevos equipos - nuevos programasPara fortalecer la conexión con sus Seres Superiores, se emplearán los nuevos atributos. Usted está en el proceso de cambiar una parte fundamental de la biología a conocer como el ADN. Esta nueva plantilla le permite caminar en completa armonía con su Ser Superior en cada momento. Incluso después de instalar la nueva pieza, que tendrá que ser programada. Esta programación será en el ámbito del establecimiento de las conexiones sinápticas en el cerebro necesaria para la plena utilización de los nuevos equipos. El re-conexión del ADN por sí mismo sólo proporciona la oportunidad de comunicación superior. Todavía es necesario conectar los cables al nuevo equipo.Hay muchas maneras de establecer nuevas conexiones sinápticas en las vibraciones más altas de la Nueva Tierra.Muchos más modalidades estarán presentándose para conectar plenamente el nuevo hardware. (Los registros akáshicos enteras están en su ADN.)La ley universal establece que la forma física para la expresión de la vida divina de una especie puede ser alterado o formatear sólo por los que en él habitan. Esto significa que el ADN de una especie de tierra sólo puede ser alterada a través de la elección creativa de la conciencia que habita dentro de la forma del cuerpo. Lo que esto significa para usted es que el ADN humano que es responsable de todos los aspectos de su presencia física no puede ser alterado por otros seres, ni se puede cambiar por usted desde fuera del plano físico. ¿Cómo se cambia su propio ADN? Para cambiar su ADN y cambiar su estructura necesita cambiar sus emociones. También es necesario cambiar sus pensamientos, porque para hacer estas dos cosas significa cambiar su bioquímica y la química del cerebro.La vibración de todo el cuerpo se está desplazando a una frecuencia más alta durante la transformación celular.Algunos están experimentando muchos síntomas físicos diferentes que pueden ser fuerte a veces o pueden ser muy sutil. Dentro de esta vida, hay más evolución que está teniendo lugar en su cuerpo que en el total de todas las vidas anteriores de este planeta. Un cambio de transformación se lleva a cabo en su cuerpo, así como en la tierra.La estructura celular muy de su cuerpo está cambiando lo que permitirá que permite soportar e integrar estas frecuencias más altas de la energíahttp://www.in5d.com/dna-activation.htmlÚnete aquí ▲ El Guardián de la Luz Diamante Código
Ascension Chambers, DNA Activation, Upgrade and Ascension
DNA contains the instructions needed for a living organism to grow and function.
It tells cells exactly what role they should play in the body.
It holds instructions to make your heart cells beat, your limbs form in the correct place, the immune system fight infection, and your digestive system digest your dinner.
DNA carries its instructions in a code made from a four letter alphabet: G, A, T and C.
The sequence of these letters is known as the genetic code.
A molecule of DNA resembles a twisted ladder. Each rung of the ladder is made up of two DNA letters. A always binds to T and G always binds to C.
The binding of the letters causes the whole molecule to coil up into a spiral staircase-like structure called a double helix.
The Ascension Process
The process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our current human form is known as Ascension. Ascension is the process by which the embodiment is 21/12/2012 dna upgrade elevated in vibration a little at a time, until it is vibrating to the resonance of unconditional love. During this process, at an etherical level, ten additional strands of DNA are connected within the circuitry of the body and the brain. As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity and self-expression.
Ten Strands are Inter dimensional
In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological or physical strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not visible in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Ten you cannot see, and two you can.
In embracing the first set of twelve strands of DNA, one is considered "Christed." Many metaphysicians have spoken of the return of the "Christ." The return of "Christ" is and will be in the form of many who will embody the new genetics. The individual who has embodied twelve strands of DNA or has become "Christed" moves beyond limitation within human form. In moving beyond limitation, the individual also moves out of fear. As all of mankind embodies the new genetics, civilisation will gradually restructure itself to be based on unconditional love.
The Joining of the Brain's Hemispheres
You are in the process of reuniting the right and left hemispheres of your brain (which is the way it was designed to be). Once this is accomplished, wondrous things begin to happen: your creativity blossoms along with the mental agility and wherewithal to manifest your creative visions. You gain access to the levels of the brain which resonate to the frequencies of the higher dimensions, and you tap into the Light packets of wisdom and cosmic information that are stored there. The master glands within the brain are activated and you reconnect with the aspects of yourself that have lain dormant for thousands of years.
Ascension Chambers
Within the pyramids of ancient Egypt, initiates were gradually elevated in vibration a little at a time over a time frame of many years. This resulted in the cellular restructuring of their bodies to what is called "crystalline" in form. The final purpose of the initiations in Egypt was for initiates to transcend the experience of death and take their embodiment into the next dimension. In order to accomplish this, the cellular restructuring to the "crystalline" form was a necessity.
The pyramids were only required by those with a lower vibration (the partially conscious humanoid giza plateauform) and therefore were deemed necessary to support ascension in this fashion. Each chamber within the pyramid utilised a variety of devices to hold a specific vibration necessary to ascend a form from 5024 to 45,000 strands of DNA. Initiates entered the pyramid for varying time frames and learned to hold the vibrations within the chambers of their own accord.
DNA as a means of communication
Encodements are contained in the cellular-genetic makeup. Chakra systems would be somewhat like power transformers, resistors and capacitors. Every cell has a consciousness, so that when the personality of the human gets bogged down and unable to move forward, the consciousness of the “high self” may throw a switch that gives a message to the cellular structures that says, “We need to create some kind of situation in order to prod the personality and bring them back on track.”
Certain DNA blueprints of possibilities are sent to the high self. It could possibly be some form of accident or illness, or perhaps enlightening information from a friend, and the higher self will then offer these blueprints to the soul, who will then say, “This is what we need to do,” and subsequently throws a switch that will bring certain situations into manifestation. And this is the reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if DNA is the link to high self and soul and RNA would be the soul’s response in a certain sense.
Light (information) expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human consciousness goes from light to dark.
New equipment - new programs
To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every moment. Even after the new part is installed, it will need to be programmed. This programming will be in the area of establishing the synaptic pathways in the brain needed for full use of the new equipment. The re-connection of the DNA by itself only provides the opportunity for higher communication. It is still necessary to connect the wires to the new equipment. There are many ways to establish new synaptic pathways in the higher vibrations of the New Earth. Many more modalities will be presenting themselves to fully connect the new hardware. (The entire akashic records are in your DNA.)
Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life expression of a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwell therein. This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only be altered through the creative choice of the consciousness that dwells within the body form. What this means for you is that the human DNA that is responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot be altered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you from outside of the physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your DNA and to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You also need to change your thoughts because to do these two things means to change your biochemistry and your brain chemistry.
The vibration of your entire body is shifting to a higher frequency during cellular transformation. Some are experiencing many different physical symptoms which can be strong at times or can be very subtle. Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your body than in the total of all previous lifetimes on this planet. A transformation change is taking place in your body as well as in the earth. The very cell structure of your body is changing which will allow you to withstand and integrate these higher frequencies of energyhttp://www.in5d.com/ dna-activation.html
Join here ▲ Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes
Art By David Bergen "The word"
DNA contains the instructions needed for a living organism to grow and function.
It tells cells exactly what role they should play in the body.
It holds instructions to make your heart cells beat, your limbs form in the correct place, the immune system fight infection, and your digestive system digest your dinner.
DNA carries its instructions in a code made from a four letter alphabet: G, A, T and C.
The sequence of these letters is known as the genetic code.
A molecule of DNA resembles a twisted ladder. Each rung of the ladder is made up of two DNA letters. A always binds to T and G always binds to C.
The binding of the letters causes the whole molecule to coil up into a spiral staircase-like structure called a double helix.
The Ascension Process
The process of returning to twelve strands of DNA in our current human form is known as Ascension. Ascension is the process by which the embodiment is 21/12/2012 dna upgrade elevated in vibration a little at a time, until it is vibrating to the resonance of unconditional love. During this process, at an etherical level, ten additional strands of DNA are connected within the circuitry of the body and the brain. As the embodiment elevates in vibration, and as the new DNA is connected, fear-based patterns and beliefs are released simultaneously and make room for the experience of more joy, creativity and self-expression.
Ten Strands are Inter dimensional
In 4D [Human dimensionality], you have two DNA strands [loops or toroids]. Those who would tell you that you have 12 are giving you a 4D description of a multidimensional puzzle. There are truly only two biological or physical strands. All of the rest, the ten that are not mentioned and not described and not visible in 4D, are in layers within the two you can see. They are not additional strands or loops or toroids. They lay upon the biological ones, many of them interfacing biologically with the strands that you are able to see. So, there are really two strands with another ten interdimensional aspects upon them. That is how you arrive at the 12. Ten you cannot see, and two you can.
In embracing the first set of twelve strands of DNA, one is considered "Christed." Many metaphysicians have spoken of the return of the "Christ." The return of "Christ" is and will be in the form of many who will embody the new genetics. The individual who has embodied twelve strands of DNA or has become "Christed" moves beyond limitation within human form. In moving beyond limitation, the individual also moves out of fear. As all of mankind embodies the new genetics, civilisation will gradually restructure itself to be based on unconditional love.
The Joining of the Brain's Hemispheres
You are in the process of reuniting the right and left hemispheres of your brain (which is the way it was designed to be). Once this is accomplished, wondrous things begin to happen: your creativity blossoms along with the mental agility and wherewithal to manifest your creative visions. You gain access to the levels of the brain which resonate to the frequencies of the higher dimensions, and you tap into the Light packets of wisdom and cosmic information that are stored there. The master glands within the brain are activated and you reconnect with the aspects of yourself that have lain dormant for thousands of years.
Ascension Chambers
Within the pyramids of ancient Egypt, initiates were gradually elevated in vibration a little at a time over a time frame of many years. This resulted in the cellular restructuring of their bodies to what is called "crystalline" in form. The final purpose of the initiations in Egypt was for initiates to transcend the experience of death and take their embodiment into the next dimension. In order to accomplish this, the cellular restructuring to the "crystalline" form was a necessity.
The pyramids were only required by those with a lower vibration (the partially conscious humanoid giza plateauform) and therefore were deemed necessary to support ascension in this fashion. Each chamber within the pyramid utilised a variety of devices to hold a specific vibration necessary to ascend a form from 5024 to 45,000 strands of DNA. Initiates entered the pyramid for varying time frames and learned to hold the vibrations within the chambers of their own accord.
DNA as a means of communication
Encodements are contained in the cellular-genetic makeup. Chakra systems would be somewhat like power transformers, resistors and capacitors. Every cell has a consciousness, so that when the personality of the human gets bogged down and unable to move forward, the consciousness of the “high self” may throw a switch that gives a message to the cellular structures that says, “We need to create some kind of situation in order to prod the personality and bring them back on track.”
Certain DNA blueprints of possibilities are sent to the high self. It could possibly be some form of accident or illness, or perhaps enlightening information from a friend, and the higher self will then offer these blueprints to the soul, who will then say, “This is what we need to do,” and subsequently throws a switch that will bring certain situations into manifestation. And this is the reason we have said that the DNA and the RNA are communication systems. It would be as if DNA is the link to high self and soul and RNA would be the soul’s response in a certain sense.
Light (information) expresses through the medium of what we call consciousness, and that consciousness is encoded within DNA. The +/- polarities in light are comparable to the DNA-RNA, which could be described as the polarities of human consciousness. This is also the reason that human consciousness goes from light to dark.
New equipment - new programs
To strengthen the connection to your Higher Selves, new attributes will be employed. You are in the process of changing a critical part of the biology known to you as DNA. This new template allows you to walk in full unison with your Higher Self in every moment. Even after the new part is installed, it will need to be programmed. This programming will be in the area of establishing the synaptic pathways in the brain needed for full use of the new equipment. The re-connection of the DNA by itself only provides the opportunity for higher communication. It is still necessary to connect the wires to the new equipment. There are many ways to establish new synaptic pathways in the higher vibrations of the New Earth. Many more modalities will be presenting themselves to fully connect the new hardware. (The entire akashic records are in your DNA.)
Universal law provides that the physical form for Divine life expression of a species may be altered or reformatted only by those who dwell therein. This means that the DNA of a species of Earth can only be altered through the creative choice of the consciousness that dwells within the body form. What this means for you is that the human DNA that is responsible for every aspect of your physical presence cannot be altered by other beings, nor can it be changed by you from outside of the physical plane. How do you change your own DNA? To change your DNA and to change your structure you need to change your emotions. You also need to change your thoughts because to do these two things means to change your biochemistry and your brain chemistry.
The vibration of your entire body is shifting to a higher frequency during cellular transformation. Some are experiencing many different physical symptoms which can be strong at times or can be very subtle. Within this lifetime, there is more evolution taking place in your body than in the total of all previous lifetimes on this planet. A transformation change is taking place in your body as well as in the earth. The very cell structure of your body is changing which will allow you to withstand and integrate these higher frequencies of energyhttp://www.in5d.com/
Join here ▲ Keeper of The Diamond Light Codes
Art By David Bergen "The word"
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